Online Bibliography on Virtual Communities
My Mendeley Library
- Virtual Communities of Practice
Communities of practice
Cox, M. D., & Richlin, L. (2004). Building faculty learning communities. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Dennen, V. P., & Myers, J. B. (2012). Virtual professional development and informal learning via social networks. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.
Hara, N. (2009). Communities of practice: Fostering peer-to-peer learning and informal knowledge sharing in the work place. Berlin: Springer.
Hollins-Alexander, S. (2013). Online professional development through virtual learning communities. CA: Thousand Oaks.
Saint-Onge, H., & Wallace, D. (2003). Leveraging communities of practice for strategic advantage. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Wenger, E., McDermott, R. A., & Snyder, W. (2002). Cultivating communities of practice: a guide to managing knowledge. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press
Social communication technologies in organizations
Jue, A. L., Marr, J. A., & Kassotakis, M. E. (2010). Social media at work: How networking tools propel organizational performance. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Social communication technologies in organizations
Jue, A. L., Marr, J. A., & Kassotakis, M. E. (2010). Social media at work: How networking tools propel organizational performance. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Wenger, E., White, N. & Smith, J.D. ( 2009).Digital Habitats: stewarding technology for communities. Portland, OR: CPsquare
Journals - Educational Technology
Educational Technology Research and Development
International Journal of Computer- Supported Collaborative Learning (Springer, Peer-Reviewed, JIF 3.459, APA)
Journal of Educational Technology & Society
- Computer Science
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (WILEY-BLACKWELL, Peer-Reviewed, JIF 4,100)
Journal of Digital Media Management (peer-reviewed, blended)Information Processing and management
Journal of Enterprise Information Management (Emerald, SJR 0, 575, blended, Harvard)
- Organizational Communication
International journal of virtual communities and social networking
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (Taylor & Francis Inc., Peer-Reviewed, JIF 0,579 , Chicago Manual of Style)
Journal of Organizational and End User computing (IGI Global, JIF 0,759, SJR 0.218)
New Media and Society (Sage Pub, Peer-Reviewed, JIF, 4,180, SJR 2, 084)
Management Communication Quarterly
Journal of Organizational Ethnography
- Knowledge Management
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IGI Global)
Journal of knowledge management
Information& Management (Elsevier, SJR 1.628)
Journal of knowledge management
Information& Management (Elsevier, SJR 1.628)
ASTD International Conference & Exposition
The International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace
Intranet Design Annual
Hawaii International Conference on system sciences (IEEE)
Computer-supported collaborative work and social computing conference (ACM)
Organizations & Associations:Hawaii International Conference on system sciences (IEEE)
Computer-supported collaborative work and social computing conference (ACM)
ASTD is the leading association for workforce learning professionals
Communities of practice (ASTD)
Connected Action
Web sites:
EtienneWenger web site
Step two design Intranet Consulting company
Prescient Digital Media Consulting company
Social Media
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